1300 855 958
sales@vgcomputing.com.au Celebrating 10 years of service.
  • Cloud - Content Management System

Cloud - Content Management System

The Content Management System Cloud allows you to deploy a web based services of managing all your documents. A CMS is designed to easily store and retrieve data between many users and centralises all your data to one location. A CMS system also allows searching and indexing of your documents so you can quickly find the document you are looking for.

With the Content Management System Cloud you will receive:

  • Content Management System - Alfresco or Joomla!
  • Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS
  • Complete Installation, Configuration and Management
  • Full Ongoing Support, Maintenance and Updates - No User Intervention Required
  • Automatic Daily Backup
  • 24x7 Service Monitoring

Cloud - Content Management System - Order

Content Management System
Please select the Content Management System you would like to use with your cloud.
Joomla! +$49
Alfresco Community Cloud +$49
Alfresco Team - 5 Users +$49
Alfresco Team - 10 Users +$2138
Alfresco Team - 20 Users +$4018
Alfresco Team - 30 Users +$5687
Alfresco Team - 40 Users +$7147
Alfresco Team - 50 Users +$8396

User Accounts
Please select how many user accounts you would like for your cloud server. You can increase or decrease the number of user accounts you have at any time.

Cloud Type
Please select the type of cloud you would like, the more storage you have the larger number of documents you can store.

Domain Registration
If you have yet to register a domain you can do so here.
Domain Already Registered +$0
2-Year Registration of .com.au or .net.au domain +$90
2-Year Registration of .com, .net or .org domain +$50
*Please contact us for pricing for other domain types.

Customer Details
Business Name:
Purchase Order Number:
Primary Phone Number: *With Area Code
Secondary Phone Number: *With Area Code
Fax: *With Area Code
Preferred Payment: Payment information
Additional Information:
Questions may be asked here
Fields marked in Red are required.

VG Computing's standard Terms and Conditions apply to all products and services.
Final Total: $ / month + $ Initial Setup

If the final price above signals "Javascript Unavailable" it usually means that Javascript is unavailable on your computer. The form still functions properly.

Other components are available on request. All prices include GST.

Lease price is provided as an estimate only. Variations may occur from time to time.